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Workshops Intracongress

Workshop Intracongress

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Taller en Español 5 Ecografía

Fecha: Lunes, 5 de junio
Horario: 10:00 – 12:30/15:00 – 18:00
Salón: Barahona 1 (2° piso)
Ecografía  columna cérvico  lumbar, Ecografía  de nervio periférico y Ecografía: Técnica de intervención doble y triple guiada Módulo de Patología  
Conferencistas: Luis Cedillo (México),  Juan Rojas (México)
Audiencia: Exclusivo para Especialistas en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación
Límite de Participantes: 50 pax
Tarifa de Inscripción:  Asistentes registrados a ISPRM 2023: 50 USD – Asistentes NO registrados a ISPRM 2023: 100 USD

  • Ultrasound & EMG: PMR investigations for evaluation of peripheral nerves
    Date: Tuesday, 6 June
    Time: 08:00 – 09:30
    Room: Barahona 2 (second floor)
    Scientific Session Director: Amit Bhargava, MD,
    Faculty: Channarayapatna Sridhara, MD, Faren Williams, MD, Mario Giraldo, MD, Amit Bhargava, MD,
    Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and Electromyography (EMG) provide information about neurophysiologic status of the anterior horn cell, peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junction and muscle. While radiology investigations focus on structural problems, NCS/EMG provides functional information about the peripheral nervous system. Various conditions of nerves of upper and lower limb may be discussed with case presentation. Ultrasound evaluation can provide a structural evaluation of the nerves. Various studies evaluating the size of the nerves will be discussed. EMG provides the functional evaluation and ultrasound can provide the structural evaluation of the nerve and structures around it.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of Peripheral nerves: Upper Limb – Part I
    Date: Tuesday, 6 June
    Time: 11:00 – 12:30
    Room: Barahona 2 (second floor)
    Workshop Director: Amit Bhargava, MD.
    Faculty: Amit Bhargava, MD, Heakyung Kim, MD, Navita Purohit, MD, Liliana Rodriguez, MD, Mark Hurdle, MD, Kamal Mezian, MD Mario Giraldo, MD Nicolás Muñoz, MD.
    Musculoskeletal sonography is becoming an important part for evaluating and managing joint, nerve and soft tissue disorders. This course is designed to shorten the learning curve for health professionals interested in developing expertise in MSK ultrasound of peripheral nerves. The course will familiarize clinicians with key techniques used to perform examination of peripheral nerves. Clinicians will learn to recognize normal anatomy, and critically evaluate the images. The session will consist of short lectures on peripheral nerves. Each lecture will cover the latest technology and the research associated with it. It will be followed by hands on workshop.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of Peripheral nerves: Lower Limb  – Part II
    Date: Tuesday, 6 June Time: 15:00 – 16:30
    Room: Barahona 2 (second floor)
    Workshop Director: Amit Bhargava, MD,
    Faculty: Amit Bhargava, MD, Heakyung Kim, MD, Mooyeon Oh-Park, MD, Navita Purohit, MD, Liliana Rodriguez, MD, Mark Hurdle, MD, Kamal Mezian, MD Nicolás Muñoz, MD.
    Musculoskeletal sonography is becoming an important part for evaluating and managing joint, nerve and soft tissue disorders. This course is designed to shorten the learning curve for health professionals interested in developing expertise in MSK ultrasound of peripheral nerves. The course will familiarize clinicians with key techniques used to perform examination of peripheral nerves. Clinicians will learn to recognize normal anatomy, and critically evaluate the images. The session will consist of short lectures on peripheral nerves. Each lecture will cover the latest technology and the research associated with it. It will be followed by hands on workshop.

Intended audience: Exclusive course for Specialists in Physical Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM)
Language: English
Limit of participation: 50 pax
Registration fees: Registered attendees ISPRM 2023:50 USD –  People NOT registered to ISPRM: 100 USD

Taller en Español 3 Medicina Basada en la Evidencia Búsqueda de información para Medicina Basada en la Evidencia

Fecha: Martes, 6 de junio
Horario: 15:00 – 18:00
Salón: Sala 101 (1er piso)
Conferencista: Paola Andrea Ramírez (Colombia)
Taller práctico de aplicación directa de los contenidos sobre las preguntas de los participantes, desde cuyos ejemplos se describen las propiedades de la búsqueda estratégica, se identifican las principales fuentes de información y se resuelven los principales problemas de las búsquedas avanzadas para MBE.
Audiencia: Interesados en mejorar sus habilidades de búsqueda, e investigadores de MBE.
Límite de Participantes: 30 pax
Tarifa de Inscripción: Asistentes registrados a  ISPRM 2023: 25 USD – Asistentes NO registrados a ISPRM 2023: 50 USD

Simposio Taller en Español 17 Ecografía fundamental para el fisiatra

Fecha: Jueves, 8 de junio
Horario: 8:00 – 9:30
Salón: Sala 301 (3er piso)
Conferencista: Jorge Arias (Colombia), Jorge Diaz (Colombia), Thomas Torres  (Colombia), Liliana Rodríguez  (Colombia), Nicolás Muñoz  (Colombia)
Taller práctico interactivo con varias estaciones rotacionales de trabajo en la cual un docente interactúa con un grupo de asistentes , realizando procedimientos rutinarios con el uso del ultrasonido. Se revisan temas especialmente de diagnóstico musculoesquelético, neuromuscular , además de intervencionismo simple. El asistente tendrá oportunidad de manipular el equipo de ultrasonido bajo la tutoría del docente , además de resolver dudas.
Antes del taller habrá una charla general introductoria de corta duración.
Audiencia: Exclusivo para Especialistas en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación
Límite de Participantes: 50 pax
Tarifa de Inscripción: Entrada libre, previa inscripción